Dagoth Ur has something to say to the Nerevarine (ai voice meme)

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Published at : February 14, 2023

Did you know that in terms of male mer and female......

I am very tired.

Ever want to go home, but you are already home, so you just want to be extra home, but you can't be more home, because you are home?

I should get a blanket.

Yall are great.

If you are part of the description goblins, leave your usual comment.

If you are not yet part of the super exclusive description club, leave a comment that says "Dagoth Ur really Kwaa's my Flanenzerg."

Morrowind Memes are forever.

Morrowind Shitposts are forever.

Dagoth Ur Memes are forever.

Dagoth Ur Shitposts are on thin ice though.

I am just going to grow more unhinged.

Did you know that, in Morrowind and Oblivion, the stat gains on levelup are not random? I have met a surprising amount of players who are confused at how it works. Basically, to get a +5 in the attribute you like best, you need to raise any skills that are governed by that attribute by a total of 10. This will give you that sweet, sweet maximum bonus.

AI scares me long run so I'm just gonna have some fun.

Sometimes I forget that Wonderpets was an actual show, shit was completely unhinged.

Like, who came up with the "Singing classroom pets save wildlife and eat celery".

There was a girl in one of my classes growing up who would sing the song that they sing when they were answering the phone to annoy me.

"This is Sewious, the Pwhone is Winging"

We were like 13, it wasn't like we were small children or anything.

Discord Link for true queer memers. https://discord.gg/ZHRw3Hpsme

Cheers gamers, see you. Dagoth Ur has something to say to the Nerevarine (ai voice meme)